That fear has since migrated to the belief that, because of climate change and other environmental concerns, society can no longer tolerate burning oil, natural gas, and coal-all of which have turned out to be abundant. It began with the fear that we were running out of oil. In recent years, a list of 42 Positive Ideals was compiled by a group of priestesses as a parallel to the Negative Confessions of Ma’at.A movement has been growing for decades to replace hydrocarbons, which collectively supply 84% of the world’s energy. The 42 Ideals Of Ma’at (Positive Affirmations) 1- I have not committed sin 2- I have not committed robbery with violence 3- I have not stolen 4- I have not slain men and women 5- I have not stolen food 6- I have not swindled offerings 7- I have not stolen from God/strong> 8- I have not told lies 9- I have not carried away food 10- I have not cursed 11- I have not closed my ears to truth 12- I have not committed adultery 13- I have not made anyone cry 14- I have not felt sorrow without reason 15- I have not assaulted anyone 16- I am not deceitful 17- I have not stolen anyone’s land 18- I have not been an eavesdropper 19- I have not falsely accused anyone 20- I have not been angry without reason 21- I have not seduced anyone’s wife 22- I have not polluted myself 23- I have not terrorized anyone 24- I have not disobeyed the law 25- I have not been excessively angry 26- I have not cursed God 27- I have not behaved with violence 28- I have not caused disruption of peace 29- I have not acted hastily or without thought 30- I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern 31- I have not exaggerated my words when speaking 32- I have not worked evil 33- I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds 34- I have not polluted the water 35- I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly 36- I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deed 37- I have not placed myself on a pedestal 38- I have not stolen that which belongs to God 39- I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased 40- I have not taken food from a child 41- I have not acted with insolence 42- I have not destroyed property belonging to God This is a text of The Egyptian Book of the Dead, prepared for the priest Ani of Thebes (c. The most famous list comes from The Papyrus of Ani. The 42 Laws of Ma’at – Negative Confession (also known as The Declaration of Innocence) is a list of 42 sins that the soul of the deceased can honestly declare it has never committed when it stands for judgment in the afterlife. The 42 Laws Of Ma’at (Negative Confessions) This is where the heart of the soul of the dead person was weighed in the scales of justice against the feather. The feather of Ma’at was an important part of the weighing of the heart of the soul ceremony in the afterlife. The Goddess is often shown with an ostrich feather on her head, or with a white ostrich feather. She is usually depicted as a winged woman.

Ma’at is personified as Ma’at, the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Truth, Justice and Order. Ma’at refers to ancient Egyptian laws, philosophy or concepts which promote order, balance, truth, reciprocity, harmony, righteousness, morality and justice.

Wouldn’t The 42 Laws of Maat and 42 Ideals of Ma’at make this world a better place? Even after thousands of years since they are believed to have been written, The 42 Laws of Ma’at, principles, affirmations or commandments would make any society perfect today.